What are some of the unhealthy eating habits that you can avoid, and will provide great fitness, and wellness results?

Healthy tip – Unhealthy eating are usually influenced by two things: your food choices, and the unhealthy habits that you use in implementing your routine.

Here are some examples of unhealthy eating habits that are keeping you from your fitness, and wellness goals:

a) Overeating: On a scale from 0 to 5, being five the fullest, ideally you would like to stop eating around 3. If you overeat during your meals, your body will need extra work for digestion. The result is you will feel lazy with almost no energy (as your body is working harder with digestion).

b) Eating too fast: The next time you sit down to eat, notice how fast you eat. Ideally you would like to eat slowly, chewing your food, tasting every different flavor, and taking some nice breathes in between bites. If you eat too fast, and stay anxious, your digestion will be compromised, and the chances of accumulating fat are higher. In addition, you’re not being aware of when you’ve had enough to eat.

c) Not drinking enough water: This is something that happens so easily. We tend to confuse the signal of being thirsty with being hungry so we eat when we should be drinking fluids/water; besides the fact that your body needs water for every little activity, including exercising, and digestion.

d) The habit of having something sweet after your meals: I don’t know about you, but once I go after the first taste of candy, the first cookie, or the first ice cream spoon, I cannot stop.

e) Snacking in between meals: I LOVE talking about this item as it is so easy to understand why you shouldn’t do it. If you eat every hour, why your body would burn the fat stored as energy source? There is no need! If you would like to burn body fat, try intermittent fasting, or long periods fasting in between meals.

f) Eating too much grains all the time: Grains are really hard for your body to digest. Not only does it take a long time, but if you keep on eating grains everyday in almost every meal, digestion will be compromised and you will start accumulating fat above average. My suggestion is to avoid beer. If you had bread, or pizza, or pasta one day, don’t do it again any time soon. Give it a break, as well as time for your digestive system to cleanse (grains should be consumed if previously fermented).

g) Your food choices are very important, and I will talk more about it tomorrow. The main idea is you need nutrients, minerals, and fiber. If your food choices are based on empty calories (like pizza, bread, pasta, cookies, chocolate) your body will still crave for the nutrients it needs to work properly. You will be always hungry, and your metabolism will be surely compromised.

 Little changes make a huge difference when implemented for a long period of time… Longer it takes for you to take action, harder it becomes… Time is now! Don’t postpone it anymore! The best shape of your life is yet to come!

Manuella will see you tomorrow at 8am for the pilates class. I will see you at 11am for a super fun, and low impact workout. Lloyd will see you at 6pm!