(347) 456-4690 louganitis@gmail.com

Blog Posts



Stepping back, and slowing down, might sound like being less productive…Maybe that means: becoming more efficient… Change in the schedule: Tomorrow morning/Tuesday I will be teaching a quick 30-minute stretching sequence at 8am. I strongly recommend this to anyone who is interested in a class that will help A LOT with […]


Fitness… A discovery journey

Why you can’t achieve your fitness goals?Understanding who you are might dictate the best pathway to take Health tip: Every person is different. One recipe for living doesn’t apply to all of us. Some people have a hard time dealing with anxiety and that can be influenced by what you ingest […]



I know it is Halloween, That’s why the challenge sounds so interesting right now! At the end, all of this will make you feel really good!  Health tip – How was your day today? If you look back, did you have moments you were feeling good? Were you able to exercise? Stretch? […]


Shutting Down Hunger

There are food options that will increase your will of eating. Others will shut the signal down. I like to compare it to how you would keep a fireplace. A piece of paper will burn fast, and you will need more, and more to keep it going. A piece of […]