Teens Volleyball Scrimmages for Competitive Teams scheduled for November 13th at Q501 Frank Sinatra School at Astoria

We are starting with two teams ages 13-17 that will represent us at competitions. One is CoEd Levels BB/A and the other is a female team BB/B.

The scrimmage to form the teams will happen on November 13th at Q501 Frank Sinatra School at Astoria. The fee is $35. From 6-7:30pm the scrimmage is for girls ages 12-16 levels B/BB. Click here to register. From 7:30-9pm the scrimmage is for CoEd levels BB/A. Click here to register.

After scrimmage teams will be defined. We are expecting to have 6-8 players on each team to compete at two tournaments that are coming up. Also to attend 10 practices (being 5 games and 5 classes). The total fee including 2 tournaments and 10 practices, but not uniforms is $500.

The team is William United. We are connected to the Non Profit Programs 4 All Kids that is forming competitive teams in different sports such as soccer and basketball also. The name William United is In honor of William Desroches, a young teenager that passed August this year in a ski accident. He was a great student, very athletic, and very kind and polite to his family, friends and teammates.