Looking into working out, and overcome joint pain? What about improve posture? You can get all of it at the same class!

Take any of my online classes, or all of them, as the opportunity to improve posture, and realign your body. Especially if you are trying to overcome any kind of joint pain. Lower back, upper back, knee, or shoulders.

These are classes that you will feel challenged. Strength, conditioning, or both. You will learn about body mechanics, and proper muscle activation, How to improve posture, and realign your body with a sequence based on stretching, and strengthening, 

Understand it as a complement for your workout, or sports routine. Or use these classes as the base of your fitness journey. All with low impact options, and apartment friendly. You will not hear your neighbor complaining! 

Enroll for any of the classes, and gain that month of free access to my online library of workouts, stretching, and the use of the foam roller. Click here to take a look at the online library.

Personal Training sessions – I’m located at Astoria, in which is 20min train, or car ride from Midtown Manhattan. As the weather is getting cooler, I have set up a nice, and cozy studio where I live. The personal training session can be a strong workout session, or a relaxation session, when I used trigger point therapy to release the tension of your body, and your mind. 

I’m offering in home sessions as well. You don’t need much space, neither equipment. Just schedule your appointment, and I will come to you, at the comfort of your home.

Another option is the online personal training sessions. When I used work at gyms, I always missed the opportunity of recording sessions, and keeping it available for the client. This tool became easily adjustable with the online sessions. Click here to learn more about the private sessions you can take with me.