Why does your lower back hurt all the time? Tonight we will have the second day of the clinic, and I will be explaining about lateral pelvic tilt. When the horizontal alignment of the hips becomes uneven. Why? Maybe because when you are sitting down you always cross the legs to the same side. Or you tend to stand leaning in one leg only. Or because of excessive driving, or an accident in the past.

Tonight we will be talking about ideal body positioning when standing, sitting down, or laying down, What can you do alleviate, or avoid lower back pain. Second part of the class I will be using the foam roller to release the tension of the tight muscles at your lower back, and as third part of the class I will present a different stretching sequence.

If you missed the first day of the clinic, click here to access the online content. First 20min I explain about body positioning, and general postural issues like lordosis, flat back, and sway back. At the second part I present 10min releasing the tension at the lower back with two lacrosse balls, and a sock. And the last 10min a simple stretching sequence to help you with the lower back pain.

Tomorrow I will get back into talking about our journey into ketosis. This is my second week doing it, and I FEEL the difference at my body, and mind. I’m sleeping way better, appetite is under control, I’m surely leaner, with more energy, and with a sharper mind. And now it is becoming easier to make my food choices. I’m definitely not craving carbs, in which is a huge win. I will talk more in depth about it tomorrow!

See you in a little bit for a energizing 30min Cardio HIIT workout at 8am. Yana will see you at 12pm for a resistance band workout, and I will see you later on at 7:30pm for the lower back pain clinic!