(347) 456-4690 louganitis@gmail.com


One of the things I miss the most is the in person group classes I used to teach. My favorite ones were leaning towards functional fitness exercises for seniors. How could I provide a fun, challenging, and low impact workout that would have more benefits, and reduced chances of injuries.

Providing a fun workout with functional fitness exercises for seniors wasn’t hard. My Brazilian background, growing up at that fun, and social environment made me understand that with the right playlist, added to upbeat, and positive attitude, anything can become a party. Especially a group class for elder ages! My playlists used to include ABBA, Elvis Presley, Dion, The Supremes… These kind of parties still happen nowadays at my live Zoom classes. Believe me when I tell you, or ask any of the members of The Fit and Well Club.

The second concern was to make it challenging. And that didn’t become hard to figure out. I used to think: Why kids can run, and jump so much without getting tired? The answer was… Because they are having fun! That’s when I started synchronizing the functional movements to the rhythm of the songs. The thing with functional movements is that they feel good when you do it. Now imagine if you are moving freely with upbeat songs, and an energetic instructor… You will break a sweat, and you will not realize how fast the time passed by.

One of the favorite classes I used to teach was at The 14th Street Y, a gym at Union Square. It used to happen every Tuesday at 11am, inside of a gym. I had around 50 to 60 people. Most above 50 years old. Now online I still teach that class, and it gets me emotional most of the time. Realizing that most of the people are still there, with me, looking for health, and wellness. Not mattering how hard reality feels… (What is your excuse? 🤔)

The last portion of my plan for the class with functional fitness exercises for seniors was the low impact. Something that would help realign the body. Compensate the long hours sitting down. The load their bones, joints, and muscles received throughout the years… That’s when the use of super light weights, resistance bands, and a chair came out as powerful tools. I’m so glad I had years of experience with those, as our reality right now demands deeper knowledge at the subject. 

I know I’m calling these classes as senior workouts, and this is only because I’m trying to gain more attention at my blog. These classes are for all ages that are trying to overcome joint pain, and using exercising for fitness, and wellness gains. Tomorrow, Friday, at 12pm I have a 30min Chair Workout that you should check it out. It will give yourself a break, move your body, reset your mind, and support health, and wellness. Try me out! It can be part of The Fit and Well Club unlimited class, or you can join it as a single class for $5 (discounted rate compared to the others).

Every Friday, at 8am I have a upbeat class at 8am: Energy Boost. This one is 45min with functional movements, low impact, and following a super fun playlist. Tomorrow I will be playing disco songs (Kool & The Gang, Bee Gees, Anita Ward, The Pointer Sisters…). And at 4pm you have pilates with Manuella Barros. Another great low impact option for all fitness levels.

I hope you have a great night of sleep! See you tomorrow!