At our first Beach Volleyball Tournament we had medals for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd places, and trophies for players

I grew up competing at different sports, and I always LOVED the ceremony with the medals, and trophies. It symbolizes all the effort and hard work you put into the sport you love, and the competition itself.

It doesnt matter how many years pass by. Whenever you look to that medal, or to that trophy, it will bring you back memories.

After every game of our 1st Long Beach Volleyball Tournament that happened past Sunday I would approach the teams and ask them to elect someone from the opponent team that they considered the best player of the match. These are the players that were voted in:

Kai – 4 votes

Eddie and Sasha – 3 votes

Valerie, Martin, Julio and Sabrina – 2 votes

Alexander, Philippa, Daiana and Lorenzo – 1 vote

Kai received the trophy of the Most Valuable Player. He was elected so at every match. It was clear how he was going for every ball, how he was trying to play for the team, and how well he performed at volleyball skills. Passing, setting, serving and spiking.

Another trophy that as given at this competition was the “Garra Player”. Garra in Portuguese means claw (let’s think about a tiger or a lion instead of a cat). In means also when you put all your will, all your efforts into a goal without any hesitation.

Moving forward with our classes we will have teams that will represent us in competitions. Our teams will be named GARRA.

So during the tournament I was the one supposed to choose the player that would own this trophy. But a team formed by Natasha, Sasha, Leslie and Ashley showed they all deserved it. It was beautiful watching them supporting each other, playing to win, staying focus, and giving their best on every game.

These are the trophies that were given in our competition! Great job everyone!