Everyday during my classes you will learn more about your own body, and how through exercise, improve body alignment, and how to correct the posture

Health tip: My experience with fitness is highly connected to posture. Since the first time I started learning about the muscles being like resistance bands, and once tight they pull your joints off alignment, I got caught. I finally understood the basics of how to correct the posture.
Since that first day, I started working on trying to release, and stretch tight muscles. On myself, and at my clients. With time, and practice, I started understanding how to promote better posture alignment with specific exercises. It is not only about holding a plank, avoid push ups, and do a lot of deadlifts. Those can postpone your journey into how to correct the posture, if not performed properly.
One might think: “who doesn’t know how to hold a plank?”. Guess what: I’m pretty sure that 90% of people in the gym are convicted they know what they are doing, but their form is far away from proper.
The main villain is the time we spend at the sitting down position. We were not meant to sit for such long hours. And worse: under stress. Whatever you feel, your body will respond to it. So if you spend most of the day at the alert, or focus state, sitting in front of a computer, understand that the muscles will tight up into that position. Hips, and knees bent at 90′. Lower back arching. Shoulders internally rotated, head forward.
Join my online classes to start understanding, and putting in practice, how to correct the posture. The workouts vary into cardio, strengthening, stretching, foam rolling, and mobility. For all fitness levels, and at low impact. Loaded in information about posture, lifting techniques, movement, body mechanics, and breathing. Most of the times is fun (lol). Try my 8am class tomorrow: Energy Boost. and see what Im talking about!
Group Classes Schedule:
8am: 45min Energy Boost, and Stretch (moderate) / ONLINE AND OUTDOORS
Live at Zoom and Outdoors in front of the Ice Skating Rink.
Instructor: Louise Ganitis.
Low impact movements to improve cardio, and open up your body. To FEEL good!!! Optimistic! Healthy, and Strong! Last 10min for stretching, and relaxation.
Zoom Meeting ID: 756 1730 0429 / Password: 029393
Click here to join!
12pm: 30min Chair Workout (gentle) / ONLINE
Live at Zoom.
Instructor: Louise Ganitis.
Low Impact exercises to improve cardio, and strength.
Use a pair of light, or medium weights.
Meeting ID: 410 918 191 / Password: 070133
Click here to join!
4pm: Pilates (gentle) / ONLINE
Online live at Zoom.
With Manuella Barros. Bachelor in physical therapy, and a certified pilates instructor.
Limited spots.
Meeting ID: 833 4787 4075 / Passcode: 031031
Click here to join!(click only when the class is about to start)
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$15 a week at recurring payment.
Once you join, that’s how much you will pay for as long as you stay!
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12pm: 30min Core, and Stretch (moderate) / ONLINE
Live at Zoom.
Instructor: Louise Ganitis.
Class focused on core strengthening, and body alignment.
Meeting ID: 410 918 191 / Password: 070133
Click here to join!
10am: 45min Complete Body Workout (moderate) / ONLINE
Live at Zoom.
Instructor: Louise Ganitis.
Class consisted of: 30min strength, and stretch (loaded or not) with 10min HIIT.
Zoom Meeting ID: 756 1730 0429 / Password: 029393
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