These are tuff times, but if you don’t find time to take care of yourself, no one else will do the job for you!

Health tip – It is easy to live in constant stress. Grab your phone right after waking up, dig in the latest news, recent posts, and feel your heart rate going up. Run into a cup of coffee, run to your work station, and get ready for the day. Between work, family, bills, concerns, a load of information is dumped into you. Tv screen, computer screen, phone screen… Information is loaded at you by the minute.
Any time you catch yourself worrying, concerned, or focused, your body understands it as you are in danger. The blood flows to the muscles, your breathing becomes shallow, you are ready to react. Run. Hide. Climb. Where is the danger coming from?
Now imagine if day after day, you lock into that state. Constant stress. Constant fear. Anxiety keeps on building up. There is not a single moment of relaxation. Neither when you go to bed and try to fall asleep. Your mind is spinning around between future, and past, and you cannot turn it off.
There are a two important things to understand here:
1) if your body and mind are at the alert state all the time, it becomes really hard for your digestion to work. It is a survival mechanism. That’s how your body was designed. To survive.
2) The ideal reaction for any animal body when at an alert state, is to run to hide, or run to hunt. We, human beings, are remaining at the sitting down position. We are not releasing the stress away,
I’m writing this today because I want you to think about this. And offer solutions for yourself in how achieve a more balanced day between stress x calmness. Lack of movement, and movement. Because you would like to take care of yourself. You would like to be healthy, and feel well.
Group Classes Schedule:
8am: 40min Resistance Band Workout / ONLINE
Online live at Zoom, and on demand at Facebook.
Instructor: Louise Ganitis
Use the resistance band for mobility, and strengthening.
Zoom Meeting ID: 756 1730 0429 / Password: 029393
Click here to join!
12pm – 45min HIIT Body_By_Lloyd (advanced) / ONLINE
Online live at Zoom, and on demand at Facebook.
Instructor: Lloyd Clother
Full body workout with lower impact options.
Meeting ID: 410 918 191 / Password: 070133
Click here to join!
8pm – Relax, and Release / Gentle / Online
Use two lacrosse or tennis ball to release muscles at your back meanwhile relaxing at your bed. Focus: muscles at mid back. Addresses posture, and breathing.
Video streaming at first 10 min. Afterwards audio only.
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$15 a week at recurring payment.
Once you join, that’s how much you will pay for as long as you stay!
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8am: 45min Energy Boost, and Stretch (moderate) / ONLINE AND OUTDOORS
Online live at Zoom, on demand on Facebook.
Outdoors in front of the Ice Skating Rink.
Instructor: Louise Ganitis.
Entrance by 5th Avenue and 59th street, grass field in front of The Pond.
Low impact movements to improve cardio, and open up your body. To FEEL good!!! Optimistic! Healthy, and Strong! Last 10min for stretching, and relaxation.
Zoom Meeting ID: 756 1730 0429 / Password: 029393
Click here to join!
12pm: 30min Chair Workout (gentle) / ONLINE
Online live at Zoom, and on demand at Facebook.
Instructor: Louise Ganitis.
Low Impact exercises to improve cardio, and strength.
Use a pair of light, or medium weights.
Meeting ID: 410 918 191 / Password: 070133
Click here to join!
4pm: Pilates (gentle) / ONLINE
Online live at Zoom.
With Manuella Barros. Bachelor in physical therapy, and a certified pilates instructor.
Limited spots.
Meeting ID: 769 6708 6717 / Passcode: 037596
Click here to join! (click only when the class is about to start)
12pm: 30min Core, and Stretch (moderate) / ONLINE
Online live at Zoom, on demand on Facebook.
Instructor: Louise Ganitis.
Class focused on core strengthening, and body alignment.
Meeting ID: 410 918 191 / Password: 070133
Click here to join!
2pm: Halloween Bike Ride
We will start at 2pm at Central Park. Every different destination is less than 30min bike ride, and close to a Citibike Station. Wear your costume! Itinerary:
2pm: Central Park Columbus Circle
3pm: Chelsea Piers and The High Line
5pm: Battery Park City
7pm: Tompkins Square
8pm: Ending at Washington Square Park.
10am: 45min Complete Body Workout (moderate) / ONLINE AND OUTDOORS
Online live at Zoom, on demand on Facebook.
Outdoors at Central Park, at Frisbee Hill
Instructor: Louise Ganitis.
Class consisted of: 30min strength, and stretch (loaded or not) with 10min HIIT.
Zoom Meeting ID: 756 1730 0429 / Password: 029393
Click here to join!
11am: Halloween Volleyball and Brunch / OUTDOORS
Get your costume, and join me at Central Park, by the Volleyball Courts, to play some volleyball, and have a good time. Bring an extra ball if you have. Bring what you will eat, and drink.