Join me every Monday at 7:30pm, or Wednesday at 12pm to learn about the Foam Roller Benefits, and how to improve posture, Body Alignment, improve mobility, and manage joint pain.

I foam roll everyday. The foam roller benefits are above, and beyond you can imagine. It is not only about releasing tight spots at your muscles. You can understand it as a mix of a good work from a massage therapist, a chiropractor, and a good therapy session. If done at the right way.
The foam roller benefits are physical, and emotional. It is your body, and mind connection. Foam roll, stay tense, thinking about the world, and things you need to do, and you will hate every minute. Different from foam rolling, getting in your breathe, feel your body, and try to relax. Not mattering how painful it feels. 🤔
I always say during my foam rolling classes: “Pain is just a signal. Your body is sending you and alert state that you might get hurt. Take some nice breathes, and tell your body you are fine. That you are not in danger. That you are doing this on purpose”. Less tense you feel, less pain you will feel.
Understand that some muscles in your body have been tense for a LONG time. They know nothing different than overworking. There is no relaxing time 🤔 (body x mind connection). Once you foam roll, you bring blood flow to that muscle, you induce it to relax, and if you keep on practicing, you will start noticing when that muscle is relaxed, or tense. This is really important towards improving posture, body mechanics, addressing joint pain, and learning how to manage it.
Another foam roller benefit is your capacity of realign joints, and bone structures. Imagine dropping all your body weight over a foam roller, meanwhile rolling your back, from tail bone to upper back. The release, and wellness are unmeasurable. It became very clear to me that this practice helps you with spine lengthening. You gain height, manage joint pain, improve breathing, and posture.
Another benefit is how foam rolling helps detox your body. It helps release toxins that have been trapped in your muscles (cellulite between other things). It works like a lymphatic massage. Another benefit is how it breaks down fascia. A connective tissue that traps your muscles together in a not ideal alignment. Consequence of improper posture, or long hours at the sitting down position.
The foam roller helps me improve my fitness, and wellness goals. It gets me into practicing breathing, being present, releasing tension of my body, and mind. I do it meanwhile watching a movie. Hanging out with people. Before going to bed. Avoiding emotional snacks. Improve posture. Or to help overcome joint pain.
Join my Body Alignment classes every Monday at 7:30pm, and Wednesday at 12pm. I am looking into adding more foam roller classes because I truly believe in my holistic approach towards fitness, and wellness. Not sure how to use yours? Reach out to me, and I will assist you in this journey.
See you tomorrow at 8am for the resistance band workout, and at 12pm for Foam Rolling your legs!
Group Classes Schedule:
8am: 40min Resistance Band Workout (moderate)
Live at Zoom.
Instructor: Louise Ganitis
Use the resistance band for mobility, and strengthening.
Zoom Meeting ID: 756 1730 0429 / Password: 029393
Click here to join!
12pm: 30min Body Alignment – Foam Roller for Legs (gentle)
Online live at Zoom.
Instructor: Louise Ganitis
Take a lunch break to reset body, and mind.
Zoom Meeting ID: 410 918 191 / Password: 070133
Click here to join! (click only when the class is about to start)
6pm: 45min Upper Body, and Lower Body Strength with Yana
Live at Zoom
Instructor: Yana
Grab your weights. and join this loaded full body workout.
No Dumbells? Go for bottles, cans, or a laundry jug!
Zoom Meeting ID: 949 110 422 / Password: 013225
Click here to join! (click only when the class is about to start)
Not a member yet? Join The Fit and Well Club!
Gain access to a daily workout schedule.
$15 a week at recurring payment.
Once you join, that’s how much you will pay for as long as you stay!
Easy to cancel, No extra fees!
Click here to register!
8am – 30min Stretching (gentle)
Online live at Zoom
Instructor: Manuella Barros
Join this stretching flow sequence, and breath to open up the body from the excessive hours at the sitting down position, and connect body, and mind.
Meeting ID: 756 1730 0429 / Password: 029393
Click here to join!
12pm – 45min HIIT Body_By_Lloyd (advanced)
Online live at Zoom.
Instructor: Lloyd Clother
Full body workout with lower impact options.
Meeting ID: 827 7272 8110 / Passcode: 038447
Click here to join!
6pm: 30min Energy Release (moderate)
Live at Zoom, Outdoors at Central Park in front of the Ice Skating Rink..
Instructor: Louise Ganitis.
30min class of feel good movements connected to the music rhythm.
For all fitness levels. Do it to FEEL good!
Feel free to dance, or exercise.
Zoom Meeting ID: 949 110 422 / Password: 013225
Click here to join! (click only when the class is about to start)
8am: 40min Energy Boost, and Stretch (moderate)
Live at Zoom
Instructor: Louise Ganitis.
Low impact movements to improve cardio, and open up your body. To FEEL good!!! Optimistic! Healthy, and Strong! Last 10min for stretching, and relaxation.
Zoom Meeting ID: 756 1730 0429 / Password: 029393
Click here to join!
12pm: 30min Chair Workout (gentle)
Online live at Zoom.
Instructor: Louise Ganitis
Grab a chair, and pair of dumbells (or homemade weights for your hands). and join this workout that mixes up strength, and cardio at a super low impact scenario.
Zoom Meeting ID: 410 918 191 / Password: 070133
Click here to join! (click only when the class is about to start)
4pm: 30min Pilates Sweet Home (gentle)
Instructor: Manuella Barros
Start the day with this energizing stretching sequence for better body alignment, mobility. and posture.
Meeting ID: 833 4787 4075 / Passcode: 031031
Click here to join! (click only when the class is about to start)
10am: 15min Core, 15min Strength, 15min Cardio (moderate)
Live at Zoom.
Instructor: Louise Ganitis.
Join for 15min, 30min, or 45min! What is your focus? Free weights or bodyweight. Low impact options for all fitness levels.
Zoom Meeting ID: 756 1730 0429 / Password: 029393
Click here to join!
5pm: Healthy Cooking, and Chat
Live at Zoom.
What about if we meet every Saturday evening for some fun cooking? I will start with the series, and you are invited to step in next! Learn how to prepare homemade coconut milk! You will need: shredded coconut, cheese cloth, a blender, and boiling water.
Zoom Meeting ID: 949 110 422 / Password: 013225
Click here to join! (click only when the class is about to start)
10am: 45min Complete Body Workout (moderate) / ONLINE
Live at Zoom.
Instructor: Louise Ganitis.
Class consisted of: 30min strength, and stretch (loaded or not) with 10min HIIT.
Zoom Meeting ID: 756 1730 0429 / Password: 029393
Click here to join!
5pm: Mind my Business
Live at Zoom.
Every time we will have someone different to talk about their own business, and how they can offer support for the group. Starting this Sunday, we will have Don Desroches, author of “Conscious Coupling”, relationship coach, and certified mediator for more than 10 years, Don will be talking about how to improve interpersonal relationships with the phases of communication, and blockages to each phase.
Zoom Meeting ID: 949 110 422 / Password: 013225
Click here to join! (click only when the class is about to start)