I tend to make this ketogenic recipe 2x a week. I use the coconut milk for smoothies for my son, and for myself.
This is a great ketogenic recipe: “Homemade Coconut Milk”. Super healthy, and loaded in nutrients, and healthy fats. Substitute any kind of milk you buy in the supermarket for this one, and you will be improving health, and fitness wise.
I don’t drink this milk purely. I use this instead of pasteurized milk for smoothies for my son, and for myself. Mine generally taste awful because I just care about adding the nutrients and minerals that I need, and keeping really low in carbs.

Click here to watch the video of how to make it. Or follow these steps:
1) You will need 3 cups of boiling water.
2) Pour 1 cup of raw unsweetened dry coconut (shredded)
3) Let it sit for 10-20min. You can mix it up every 2min for “better results” lol (it is the first time I write a recipe in my life – I am not a good cook).
4) After it cools down, blended it for 2-5min.
5) Pour the blended coconut mixture into a cheesecloth. Twist to extract the milk.
The milk will last around a week at your fridge.
I hope you enjoy the homemade coconut milk video. There is the best of me as a cook!
See you tomorrow at 9am for the 30min HIIT Cardio! Yana will see you at 12pm!

How can you join the workouts?
I’m originally Brazilian, and I have been living in NYC for 13 years. I was a full time group fitness instructor, and a personal trainer in the City, teaching at gyms, studios, and buildings.
This was my professional life until the closure of the gyms, back in March, 2020. It has been almost a year! Since that time I decided to start with my online fitness program for people that used to attend my physically present classes, and my private clients.
Now I welcome you to join our group, and see how you feel! If you are looking for fitness, wellness, and belonging to a cool, and lay back group, I’m offering three classes for free with the discount code: FREECLASSES. Click here to look at the class schedule, and register.
In case you decide to subscribe to the program, these are your options:
- $5 a week and gain access to one class
- $10 a week and gain access to three classes
- $15 a week, and gain unlimited access to online, and outdoor classes.
Please feel free to recommend this program to friends, and family. Challenge someone you know to take a class with you! All you need to do is to forward this email, and help support small business!