In case you haven’t tried, you have no idea what you are missing! Zoom live classes are the second best thing after ‘in person”. Trust me! I know what Im talking about! |

Healthy tip -Since the closure of the gyms, back in March, I have been teaching Live Zoom Classes. Before I was always reluctant into getting in the online world, once I knew how awesome teaching in person feels. Ends up that Live Zoom Classes is the best second thing after ‘in person’. And it is not a huge discrepancy,
1) who needs to workout, will make it happen anyway. This is my case, and the profile from the members of The Fit and Well Club. Being for fitness, or wellness purposes. Or both.
2) It feels really good to have a schedule. Organize your day based on the time the classes are available, and the description. There are three classes a day Monday to Friday. One class on Saturday, and one on Sunday. Quick thirty minute classes on midday. All you need to do is to take a little break, put the screen aside, and workout a little bit. Or foam roll. Or stretch…
3) I have been teaching 70% of the classes. I never stopped working out. I would go crazy in my mind, and crazy above weight. Persistence is the key. “There is no failure except in no longer trying”,
4) What is the main reason you workout? Make it happen anywhere, doesn’t matter what. For me is the instant wellness. This is what I persuade. I know that I will feel way better if I work out.
5) Energy connection. Getting to know other people in a regular bases. Go through hard workouts together. Accomplish things together…
6) There are things that I’m understanding so much better in my career. Everyday I test, and practice new approaches, new theories, learn from my clients, learn from my body, learn from the group classes… Whatever you love to do, don’t give up because one door is closing. Many other will open. Stay strong, stay brave, and keep on fighting for what you believe, and what you are capable of doing!
Al right! So our schedule will remain full force until the end of the week. We will have a few changes for the new year, but only for better. Im announcing now I will start with a specific class with the swiss ball, and Im considering a class with suspense training as well (TRX). Circuit training with different equipment. Get ready because we are starting 2021 with full force. WE will need the extra energy..
Group Classes Schedule:
8am – 45min Body_By_Lloyd – Strength (advanced)
Online live at Zoom
Instructor: Lloyd Clother.
A mix of cardio, and strength, with low impact options.
Meeting ID: 827 7272 8110 / Passcode: 038447
Click here to join! (click only when the class is about to start)
11am – 45min Super Low Impact Conditioning (gentle)
Live at Zoom.
Instructor: Louise Ganitis.
Class focused on very low impact movements to improve cardio.
Feel free to dance, or exercise.
Use a pair of light weights.
Meeting ID: 799 518 774
Click here to join! (only when the class is about to start)
5pm: 30min Low Impact Bootcamp
Online at Zoom
Instructor: Louise Ganitis
Join this awesome, and challenging workout with low impact options.
Non stop, mixing up strength, and cardio.
Click here to join!
Not a member yet? Join The Fit and Well Club!
Gain access to a daily workout schedule.
$15 a week at recurring payment.
Once you join, that’s how much you will pay for as long as you stay!
Easy to cancel, No extra fees!
Click here to register!
8am: 40min Resistance Band Workout (moderate)
Live at Zoom.
Instructor: Louise Ganitis
Use the resistance band for mobility, and strengthening.
Zoom Meeting ID: 756 1730 0429 / Password: 029393
Click here to join!
12pm: 40min Body Alignment (gentle)
Online live at Zoom.
Instructor: Louise Ganitis
45min class mixing up muscle release, stretch, and strengthening for better body alignment, and posture. Full body foam rolling, and stretching.
Zoom Meeting ID: 410 918 191 / Password: 070133
Click here to join! (click only when the class is about to start)
5:30pm: 30min Energy Release (moderate)
Live at Zoom, Outdoors at Central Park in front of the Ice Skating Rink..
Instructor: Louise Ganitis.
30min class of feel good movements connected to the music rhythm.
For all fitness levels. Do it to FEEL good!
Feel free to dance, or exercise.
Zoom Meeting ID: 949 110 422 / Password: 013225
Click here to join! (click only when the class is about to start)
8am – 30min Stretching (gentle)
Online live at Zoom
Instructor: Manuella Barros
Join this stretching flow sequence, and breath to open up the body from the excessive hours at the sitting down position, and connect body, and mind.
Meeting ID: 756 1730 0429 / Password: 029393
Click here to join!
12pm – 45min HIIT Body_By_Lloyd (advanced)
Online live at Zoom.
Instructor: Lloyd Clother
Full body workout with lower impact options.
Meeting ID: 827 7272 8110 / Passcode: 038447
Click here to join!
11am: 45min Energy Boost, and Stretch (moderate)
Live at Zoom
Instructor: Louise Ganitis.
Low impact movements to improve cardio, and open up your body. To FEEL good!!! Optimistic! Healthy, and Strong! Last 10min for stretching, and relaxation.
Zoom Meeting ID: 756 1730 0429 / Password: 029393
Click here to join!
10am: 30min Core, and Stretch (moderate)
Live at Zoom.
Instructor: Louise Ganitis.
Class focused on core strengthening, and body alignment.
Zoom Meeting ID: 756 1730 0429 / Password: 029393
Click here to join!
10am: 45min Complete Body Workout (moderate) / ONLINE
Live at Zoom.
Instructor: Louise Ganitis.
Class consisted of: 30min strength, and stretch (loaded or not) with 10min HIIT.
Zoom Meeting ID: 756 1730 0429 / Password: 029393
Click here to join!