Health tip: Are you an emotional eater? More than 50% of the time you tend to eat because you are bored. Or anxious, Upset. Excited… 🤔 I tend to play tricks on myself. My mind talks me into ‘deserving’ something sweet because I behaved so well through the day. The problem is: if I have one little bite, I will not stop going down the hill.
And that’s my main weakness with eating habits. Overeating after dinner. In which causes serious wellness effects. I don’t properly rest overnight. My body instead of resting, spends extra energy digesting… Not good at all! Especially for those who barely have any resting time available.
At the fitness side, heavy meals before going to bed induce that lazy belly to appear… The one that sits over the muscle wall, and gets lazy… Doesn’t wanna move out of there… Implement light dinners at your diet, and avoid eating at least three hours prior going to bed, and you see much improvement at the abdominal area.
That’s why I don’t have sweet things in my house. Neither a healthy fruit bar. I feel it is almost like an alcoholic person dealing with a bottle of liquor at their reach. Sugar is highly addictive, and for some people, like me, it is not easy to resist to it.
Going back to the main subject: do you think you are an emotional eater?
What is your weakness?
See you tomorrow at 8am for a 30min stretching class!
Group Classes Schedule:
8am – 30min Stretching (gentle) / ONLINE
Online live at Zoom
Instructor: Louise Ganitis.
Stretching class connecting body and mind. Body scanning technique based on breathing pattern. Improve posture, manage joint pain, and achieve wellness at the first hours of the day.
Meeting ID: 756 1730 0429 / Password: 029393
Click here to join!
12pm – 45min HIIT Body_By_Lloyd (advanced) / ONLINE
Online live at Zoom.
Instructor: Lloyd Clother
Shake your body at midday with a full body workout, with options for all fitness levels.
Energizing, strengthening, and fun.
Meeting ID: 827 7272 8110 / Passcode: 038447
Click here to join!
6pm – 45min Upper Lower Body Strength / Online
Online live at Zoom.
Instructor: Yana
Use homemade weights (cans, bottles), or dumbells for this awesome workout with Yana. Her personality, and positive energy is contagious.
Meeting ID: 819 9154 7822 / Passcode: 181803
Click here to join!
Not a member yet? Join The Fit and Well Club!
Gain access to a daily workout schedule.
$15 a week at recurring payment.
Once you join, that’s how much you will pay for as long as you stay!
Easy to cancel, No extra fees!
Click here to register!
8am: 45min Energy Boost, and Stretch (moderate) / ONLINE AND OUTDOORS
Live at Zoom and Outdoors in front of the Ice Skating Rink.
Instructor: Louise Ganitis.
Low impact movements to improve cardio, and open up your body. To FEEL good!!! Optimistic! Healthy, and Strong! Last 10min for stretching, and relaxation.
Zoom Meeting ID: 756 1730 0429 / Password: 029393
Click here to join!
12pm: 30min Chair Workout (gentle) / ONLINE
Live at Zoom.
Instructor: Louise Ganitis.
Low Impact exercises to improve cardio, and strength.
Use a pair of light, or medium weights.
Meeting ID: 410 918 191 / Password: 070133
Click here to join!
4pm: Pilates (gentle) / ONLINE
Online live at Zoom.
With Manuella Barros. Bachelor in physical therapy, and a certified pilates instructor.
Limited spots.
Meeting ID: 833 4787 4075 / Passcode: 031031
Click here to join!(click only when the class is about to start)
12pm: 30min Core, and Stretch (moderate) / ONLINE
Live at Zoom.
Instructor: Louise Ganitis.
Class focused on core strengthening, and body alignment.
Meeting ID: 410 918 191 / Password: 070133
Click here to join!
10am: 45min Complete Body Workout (moderate) / ONLINE
Live at Zoom.
Instructor: Louise Ganitis.
Class consisted of: 30min strength, and stretch (loaded or not) with 10min HIIT.
Zoom Meeting ID: 756 1730 0429 / Password: 029393
Click here to join!