Archive for Month: September 2022

Indoor Volleyball Tournament for ADULTS
Coming up on November 8th at Long Island City: Indoors Volleyball Tournament for ADULTS for Intermediate level players. Registration is now open as a player or as a team. Limited spots! Indoor Volleyball Tournament for Adults will happen Tuesday November 8th from 7-9pm. Registrations will be due on November 4th. […]

Indoor Volleyball Tournament for Teenagers
Let’s get together to celebrate volleyball and compete at our 1st Indoors Volleyball Tournament for teenagers intermediate level. COED. Our first indoor tournament will happen on November 3rd, at Q301 Academy for Careers in Television at Long Island City. This will be a Thursday from 7-9pm. Limited spots and registration […]

Is this your first class with us? You are at the right place? Take advantage of our volleyball classes promo for $15 only. Valid for your first class only. Valid only for outdoor classes including Beach Volleyball at Long Island City, outdoors at Astoria and outdoors at Central Park. Adults, […]

On Tuesday September 13th we will have three volleyball classes at Long Island City! Kids and teens will have the opportunity to experience Beach Volleyball, and for the adults a free indoor volleyball class. Register ASAP! Limited spots! Kids ages 5-9 years old will have a free beach volleyball class […]

Interested in speed rocking your volleyball game? Take advantage of our volleyball classes sale! Train 2x or 3x classes a week with this super discounted promotion: Take a look at the options. Venmo Louise-Ganitis or Zelle (347) 456-4690 to secure your spot. Sale ends on September 5th. Adult beginners – […]